Thursday, July 12, 2012


YOLO, for those of you who haven't heard this commonly used acronym, it means, you only live once. I have heard this more and more lately, I'm not sure if that's because of the Zombie Apocalypse, the threat of the end of the world, or because of the economy being the way it is today. For me it means taking risks. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Allowing yourself to do things you might not normally do. Now does that mean being reckless with your life, money, or what makes you happy? ABSOLUTELY NOT!! 

I agree with the fact that yes, we only live once. We control how we live and what we do with our time. I get it, I choose to do the things I do because I know that I only live once. BUT I don't think everyone gets the concept the way I do. Take a second and think to yourself...

If I could live my version of the perfect life, is this where I would be and what I would be doing? Am I controlling what I can control and not worrying about what I can't? What do I need to deliberately make an effort to change to get to my perfect life? 

These are all questions you should ask yourself regularly, in my opinion. How do you want your life to be remembered? 

YOLO, it's a great theory, and I believe that yes, you should keep this in the forefront of your mind, but also remember that to accomplish great things requires planning, organization, and consistency in your effort to achieve what you want to achieve. 

So go out there and get on it! YOLO

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